Melodic Monday’s

Raury needs no introduction, at just 19 years old he’s wise beyond his years. His latest project All We Need is a definite classic. the infusion of hip-hop, funk, soul is genius. One of my favorite songs off the album has got to be Peace Prevail. It’s his take on how music impacts lives. So Press Play and vibe out with Raury I know I will!

Sounds in Color


On this beautiful yet rainy Wednesday afternoon I bring to you a new and exciting new band. the story behind how I came across them is pretty interesting, However, I’m glad that we have crossed paths. Here’s how it all began . I have to admit I posted an Ad on Craigslist looking for some new indie talent and I didn’t think I would receive any responses. Then one day maybe almost a week after I checked my inbox and I received a message from this amazing young lady Julia, who just so happens to be part of a pretty talented band called Sounds in Color. I took a listen to a few songs and was immediately in awe of the raw talent this band possesses. I can’t wait to see where the music takes them and I know I’ve said it before about some other bands but I am indeed a new fan. Their musicianship and musicality are so fresh and definitely worth a listen. Below are a few tracks that I believe show the potential of Sounds in Color Enjoy!!!


Melodic Monday’s


Johnny Rain is a songwriter, producer, singer, drummer and the list goes on and on. He’s a hidden gem and a great talent and a proper fit for today’s Melodic Monday. Harveston Lake is one of those songs that most of us can relate to and can feel from the inside out. Get into the heart compelling track below!!!