Mid Week Playlist (Check-In)

Hello all I’d like to thank you for continuing to stick with me on this journey. For those that are just joining me on this I’d like to say welcome, the ride has just begun. I’ve been blogging for seven months now and the growth I’ve seen within myself is one of amazement. Thank you all for your support.

As Wednesday comes to a close we all began to breathe for its only a couple more days till the weekend. I’m hoping you’re still making steps towards being a better you and not letting anything stand in your way. Here’s a few songs that I have been jamming to this week.

Mid week playlist

I know I have been on here in a few days, life was working overtime. However, I’m back in full effect and I’ve decided to get a little more personal with you wonderful humans!!! This weeks playlist is a mix of some of the artists that have inspired me musically and as a fan!! I love music that has depth to it a message if you will and something to make you think and evoke emotions. So I hope you enjoy my little collection of inspiration. 
Mid week Inspirations

Andrew A.D Western Gothic (Demo)

This demo is for all those out there who enjoy music that makes your head bang. Western Gothic showcases punk  and alternative rock pieces, making it just right for the Rock lovers of the world. Be sure to click the link and check out Andrew A.D Kalu’s latest 

Western Gothic Demo