Message to the Readers


I just wanted to say you guys are great. The artists you suggest and the feedback I’m receiving is greatly appreciated and its still just the beginning. There are so many new and exciting things in store. Thanks for sticking with me, a woman who’s love for music and diversity inspired the writer in me to share it with the world.

I hope you all are inspired to follow your dreams. Remember there is no dream too big, so reach for the stars and then some!!!! Till tomorrow ✌&❤


What Happened to the Music?


Let me start by saying this post is not a diss to anyone nor is it in promotion of any artists. This is simply my opinion and my observation. With that being said, I ask you this. Who really listens to music these days? Is there any music worth really listening to? Has music become lost amongst the newer generations or has it just evolved with the times? I ask myself these questions quite often. Now get this I am very aware of how life changes and fads come and go. However, where has the depth of music gone? I like when I can listen to an album without having to skip through. I like when the music has depth. Where are the positive messages? It seems to be lost amongst this generation. There are some who still fight for the quality in music (me being one) but it takes more then a few. I will admit there are times when I listen to the occasional “turn up” song but the hype dies down rather quickly and I’m left feeling like did I really just listen to that lol. Again this is not a bash on anyone who prefers the “turn up” tracks this is just my opinion. I’m a singer/songwriter who’s also a fan of music and likes to listen to music with meaning. So I ask you my fellow music lovers, what do you think about where music is going these days? Has the quality of music changed for better or worse?